Since there isn't much to be done right now for the wedding, I'm trying to stay excited about the planning process and have recently started thinking about my bachelorette party.
I've only been to two bachelorette parties before and there were both very different. Neither being the typical. When my cousin got married a few years back it was very small. She invited just her closest girlfriends and we made a day out of it. Starting off with mani's & pedi's, then lunch before heading out to dinner at a swanky restaurant and have drinks at the adjoining bar.
A few months ago my friend Mrs. K made a day of her party events as well but hand a ton of girlfriends on hand to celebrate with her. We started the afternoon off at Painting with a Twist, then headed to a downtown hotel to lounge out by the pool for a few hours. I skipped the pool party but met back up with her & her girlfriends for dinner that night before heading to a drag show that night. Fun times indeed.
For my party bachelorette party, I'd like something a little different but I haven't quite figured out exactly what though. If money were no object I had always envisioned having a GLAMOROUS themed party inspired by Fergie's hit song. Donned in hot pink and black & white attire, lots of bling, feather boas and sashes we'd party it up in Vegas. We'd make a weekend out of it flying in from Dallas to stay in a trendy hotel on the strip. We'd lounge by the pool during the day w/cocktails then get dolled up and dine at 4-star restaurants at night before heading out to drink & party until we were white girl wasted or the sun came up. LOL!
[caption id="attachment_196" align="alignright" width="167"]

Source: Etsy[/caption]
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Source: The House of Bachelorette[/caption]
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Source: Dictoot[/caption]
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Source: Bachelorette Party Supplies[/caption]
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Source: Google[/caption]
While searching the web recently I found this
baseball themed bachelorette party. It was planned based on the bride and who she wanted to invite and it really fit her personality.
I've also though about having it on a charter boat on a nearby lake. Recently, I photographed an event for my church on a catamaran boat and thought what a fun idea it would be to host a bachelorette party on the water. We could simply pack a few coolers w/plenty of drinks and a picnic lunch and head out on the water. Add some music for a little dancing, or we can simply spend the day sharing gossip, reminiscing and planning for the wedding.
Maybe a road trip to a hot spring or even an old fashion slumber party. I could get the gang together and splurge on a hotel suite and enjoy a classic sleepover party like we did when you were teens.
Since were having a destination wedding and people are being so generous to join us on our special day, I don't want to plan something where people have to come out of their pocket even more. But since I only plan on doing this one, I want a night to remember.
The wedding's not til next year so make sure to come back to see what kind of party I have. If you have any fun suggestions, I'd love to hear them!