After sending off the request for our date to the resorts, it's just been a waiting game. So I figured I would start thinking about our color scheme for the wedding. And it has been a tougher decision that I thought. I've made plenty of inspiration boards in my past for "my someday wedding", but now that it's really time to pick something that I have to live with forever, it hasn't been as easy.
Being that we're having a destination wedding there's already tropical colors involved because of the surroundings but I didn't want everything to be tropical or bold colors. Not that I'm dissing anyone else's style but I don't really want my bridal party to have turquoise, coral or pink dresses. I just think it will be too much. And I knew that I want Mister and his groomsmen to wear a tan/khaki color instead of grey but other than those two factors I was having a difficult time choosing what I wanted.
I ended up stressing myself out so much that I cried about it (and I'm not much of a crier), so Mister suggested that we go to Home Depot to look at paint swatch's to get a better idea of what colors we like. I gotta admit when I got that text from him, I kind of laughed and didn't really think THAT would be necessary but since he offered a suggestion and trying to be apart of the planning, I obliged.
Praying that a store clerk wouldn't ask us what room we were looking to paint together we picked out 5 colors that we both liked! And I'm happy to report that we have decided on our wedding colors!
The background is actually pure white so the colors are a little off in the picture, but you get the idea. Cozumel, cool melon, pecan sandie, strawberry freeze & pure white our the colors we decided on. I plan to use the colors as accents in the decor, flowers, jewelry and small touches while the attire will consist mostly of white & pecan sandie!
So there you have it, our wedding colors! That's one more thing crossed off my none existence list. Stick around to see how the colors come together in the details.
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