So, it's been a minute since I've posted anything about my weight loss journey and that's because I haven't been very consistent.
I did manage to weigh myself but the scale wasn't very reliable. At mom's house her scale said one thing and later that night at a friend's house it had a number that was 5lbs lighter. But either way the number was way too high. Like I mentioned before, I weigh more now than ever before and that's just not cool. Don't get me wrong I love that people are in different shapes and sizes, but personally I prefer to be at a healthier weight. Plus, I have a closet full of clothes that I can't fit into and I can't afford to go buy a new wardrobe.
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I was doing really well leading up to my birthday which was on Sept. 16th since I was going to go try on wedding dresses that day. Every morning I did my 2 mile walk/jog before I took the kid to school and when I returned I was consistent with the Nike Training Club app on my phone. Then, Kawon suggested that we celebrate my birthday all week and that's just what we did! The week after my birthday consisted of hanging out with friends, eating out, beer at Oktoberfest and late nights and I didn't work out one bit. The week after that I only managed to get up one morning and workout and that was it. SMH
At that point, I could see a noticeable difference in how I looked from the weeks before. I wasn't as toned. There wasn't anything stopping me from working out except that I was being just plain ol' lazy. And that same ol' thought of I'll just be fat and happy crossed my mind, while chowing down on a whopper from Burger King.
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After lounging around last Sunday and indulging on several 32 ounce soda's that day, it just hit me. I gotta make a change now before I get too comfortable and start gaining weight. I don't want to be that bride where I'm starving the week before because I need to fit into my wedding dress. I want to be in shape and at my goal weight by March so that I don't have that added pressure of losing weight up until the wedding. I just want to have to maintain my weight at that point.
I kept wondering why I wasn't as motivation to lose weight like I was a few years back. Honestly, to lose weight all you need is will-power. You don't need a gym membership or a pricey weight-loss program. I have weights at home, a treadmill in my dining room that I haven't used in over a year (SMH again! A damn shame, I know), 2 copies of p90x in my tv console and free apps on my phone along with plenty of knowledge of what I needed to do. And I still lacked the motivation. Really, I had no excuses.
I woke up on Monday, October 1st with a new a mission. I decided that everyday at 4pm I would do a p90x work out. It's a 90 day program so that means by January 1st, I don't have to make a new years resolution to lose weight because I already did. With the weather finally cooling off here in Dallas there's no excuse to continue my morning walks either.
To take accountability for myself, I got plugged into the Beachbody community from a friend on Facebook, and I'm so excited for my journey. Literally, within minutes of creating a profile I had other members that I don't even know sending me private message with encouraging words and just reaching out to introduce themselves.
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Look at these photos!! It wasn't an accident, I put these horrible photos of myself up because it's all about accountability (plus, nobody besides my cousin reads this blog anyways, lol). I know I look like a hot mess in these photos, but just stick around for the after! I'm excited and best of all I'm motivated!
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